
Welcome to CPOW

This website is the home to the CPOW organization. CPOW, Civilian ex-Prisoner of War, was founded to bring together a community of people who experienced the hardships of war. Check out our About CPOW page to learn more about us!

Each month we will be posting updates here to keep everyone informed on the happenings of the organization. If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to reach out to us in the comments of this page or via email!

Stay tuned as we continue to update and refine our website! 

Webmaster of PhilippineInternment.com


  • Jean Goryl

    Re: WWII Los Banos Rescue
    I am on possession of a letter written by my great Uncle John, who was a Jesuit Missionary and prisoner at the Los Banos Concentration Camp during WWII. It describes the amazing coordinated rescue by the 11th Airborne and Fillipino Guerrillos.
    It was written to his brother Joe, who was also a Jesuit priest shortly after the rescue.
    It is quite poignant. I would be happy to share a copy if interested.
    I recently sent a copy to the Special Operations Museum at Fort Bragg. When I asked them if there were other groups who might be interested in the letter, I was referred to your organization.
    Please let me know if you would be interested in having a copy.

  • Joe Dana

    I have been a member of BACEPOW for years . Both parents interred in Philippines as civilians for entire war . Katherine Dana at Santa Thomas and John Dana at Cabataum. Would like to join this reorganization of old group.Please forward whatever I need to join. Thanks, Joe Dana

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